
Sixty-One - Things I Didn't Realize I Could Be So Thankful For

January 6, 2011

I didn't realize I could be so thankful for a bus.  But when the church bus returned, fully repaired today I found myself giddy with excitement.  Especially when at the last minute we found ourselves without transportation for today's kids' club - our bus was back and driveable.  I just didn't think I would ever be so thankful for a bus.

I didn't realize I could be so thankful for silly faces...but today these silly faces brought joy to my heart and a smile to my face.  It amazes me how much God has taught me and much He has grown both them and me.  I'm thankful for their silly faces, covered with icing and all.

I didn't realize I could be so thankful for sweet little handmade birthday cards...birthday cards for Jesus :)

I didn't realize that I could be so thankful for freezing cold soccer games.  But the chance to see Chanah Banana score her second goal ever and Carlyn-My-Darlin be more interested in the playing in the goal than keeping goal (though when she failed to save the goal do to the former she fell to the ground like she failed to save the winning shot in the World Cup) was worth it :)

I love realizing how many things I have to be thankful that I didn't even realize I could be or would be thankful for :D


  1. That's awesome. I'm also thankful that my wise men can finally be around my manger ;-)
