

December 9, 2010

I figure as the numbers increase I won't want to do ones like this one again so for today at least...

33 Things That I'm Thankful :)

That after 33 years of life Jesus died on the cross to pay for my sins and rose again so I could have life and have it to the fullest :)

That the temperature is at least higher than 32 degrees Fahrenheit today

That I can go until the 31st without Facebook...I know I need it, but I'm going to miss being able to talk to some special people that way (that's why I'm thankful for skype!)

That a wonderful woman in our church surprised us with  30+ Christmas cookies for our snack at kids' club today...they were quite yummy and the kids loved them :)

For the 29 word text (okay it may have been 30 but I didn't count lol to make this work...and yes I'm dork and I counted so I could include this one work haha) from Courtney Butler which made me smile :)...and for the random realization that I had this afternoon that if I counted up the strangest events in my life Courtney Butler involved in practically all of them haha...I'm ridiculously thankful for her in my life!

That for the last 28 days God has met all our transportation needs for Thursday afternoon kids' club and I know He will provide again next week.

That on the 27th of December my parents will have been married for 25 years

For the 26+ months that I've been friends with Caroline Gray and the fact that her text to me tonight made me heart happy!

For 25 sweet smiles :)

That for almost 24 hours I've felt at peace about two situations in life...they're in God's hands and that's the best place for them :)

That my 23-year-old friend and co-fo Amanda Hord got a job :)

That for 22 years I've always had enough food to eat, hot showers, a warm bed, good health, family and friends who I know love me, and I have blessed beyond challenge now is that would I give back as I have been given...

For while 21 or so kids played soccer I got the chance to chat with Christi and be encouraged :)

I'm not sure the length of the conversation but for the at least 20 minute conversation I had with my wonderful friend Rea :)  I'm thankful for the blessing she is in my life even though she's a gazillion miles away!

For the at least 19 reminders that God calls us to forgive and pray for those who wrong us...and that He gives us the strength to do so

The chance to share with 18 kids and adults what God wants for Christmas...And what God wants for Christmas is YOU :)

For 17 gorgeous poster I get to hang up next Thursday for our Birthday Party for Jesus at Sonbeams...I love how creative they got today :)

 That there are only 16  more days until Christmas :)

For 15 little Sonbeams who amazed me how they behaved today...they might be active and they don't always listen but they're pretty much the sweetest things ever :)

For John 1:14..."The Word became flesh and blood and moved into our neighborhood." (The Message)

For 13 jingle bells on my jingle bell ring...every time it jingled today in my heard I sang "Jingle Bells" just puts me in the Christmas mood :)

For the 12 Words of Christmas - "...a Savior has been born to you; He is Christ the Lord." (Luke 2:11)...we watched Louie Giglio's Christmas message last night at youth :)

That I could play tag with 11 awesome's the best way to get  your excise for the day :)

For the 10 verses found in Psalm I needed to read those verses so much this morning :)

That on the 9th of December (today) I found out that a church in Tampa will be providing me with some support for my mission to Spain.

That the alarm clock didn't start buzzing until 8

That for the last 7 months I've been able to be apart of my home church again...I'm blessed by their love and support and the chance to minister there and be ministered to...I'm thankful for the reminder today to not take that for granted.

For 6-year-old twins who's Christmas lists haven't changed in quite some time...Cariss' is about 8 feet long and Carlyn simply wants bubblegum...I love them (plus the 15 year olds, 9 year old, and 4 year old and parents that live with them, too)

That at 5 o'clock (okay so maybe more lik 5:30) I could get coffee from an actual coffee shop in Lake Placid :)

For 4 little boys who reminded me today that people - especially kids - just want you to take the time to get to know them...they just want you to tell them they're doing a good job and listen to what they have to say.  They'll open up if they know you're there to listen.  One who has been very hard to reach even told me that my picture was pretty :)  

For 3 precious little girls who give sweet hugs and remind me of how all children need an extra dose of love because you don't always know how much they're shown at home.  Pray for them as they move away that God will continue to shower them with people who show these sweet girls His love.

For 2 little kids who ran off the field in the middle of their soccer game to tell me hi and give me hugs...even if they were supposed to be playing their game it made me laugh and feel quite special.

For 1 loving Savior who came down to show me the face of God...He pursues me and woos me and guides my steps...who never leaves me nor forsakes me...who I know I can trust...who is glorious and awesome and words cannot even begin to describe...He loves me with an undeserved, relentless, overwhelming love :)