

December 21, 2010

 I sat on barstool at my kitchen counter covered in glitter and the remnants of hot glue from the Christmas wreath I was working on.  My mom stood across from me mixing with her hands the annual Christmas chex-mix.  Despite the glue and glitter on my fingers I proceeded to munch on chex mix even though mom hadn't baked it in the oven yet.  I wasn't even hungry after the baked spaghetti we'd eaten for dinner (or the "fake" spaghetti - my dad thought I had said I was making fake spaghetti for dinner and he couldn't quite figure out what I meant by that haha).  So I was merely grazing like a cow.  It was there, so I ate it.  And then I had this thought...

"Look how much I have given you."

I can look around and see how much God has given.  And how much I take for granted.

So my heart's cry is to be more grateful and thankful for His gifts that I so often take for granted.

I'm thankful to have food to eat.  I have never known hunger.  I haven't.  I try not to ever say I'm starving because I have no idea what that means.  I pray that I no longer simply pray for those who are hungry, but rather I seek to be His hands and feed those who are hungry.

I'm thankful that I have glasses.  I often get frustrated that I have to wear them practically all the time and I can't get contacts.  I get annoyed when they glare when I take a picture and often will remove them before saying cheese.  And sometimes I even feel like a nerd or an old person because I have to wear them all the time.  But the fact is there are many people in the world who would like glasses to see but can't afford them.  So shouldn't I be thankful I have them and can see the beauty of God's creation.  It will amaze you what you're missing without even realizing it until you get a prescription you can see out of.  This summer when I got my new prescription I walked outside and I laughed out loud when I realized I hadn't been able to see the leaves on the trees in months.  I had missed out on so many amazing details of life and the world because I couldn't see.  So instead of being upset by what I can't have what I want - like contacts, I'll be thankful for what I do have - glasses and the opportunity to see.

I'm thankful that I could sit with both my parents and watch a movie.  I don't always appreciate my parents.  I'm get angry at them and frustrated.  But they're not perfect.  I'm not perfect.  I know they love them.  And I'm thankful they're both here at home (especially to have them both at home :D).

I'm thankful for my grandparents and the chance to just stop by and chat with them for a little bit.  I'm thankful to at least have one set that lives close by.

I'm thankful for a car that allows me to drive into town.

I'm thankful for life.

I'm thankful for Jesus.

There is so much more that I take for granted.  So much that I'm not appreciative of or thankful for.

I pray my heart will be grateful for what I have.  That I never take for granted the little gifts He gives.  That would not complain or would I wish or what if the blessings in my life were different.  This is the life He has given me and may I be thankful for each breath.  May each breath I give back to the One who gives.


  1. This doesn't relate at all and I was going to post it on your facebook wall but you're facebook-breaking.

    My friend set up her manger scene sans baby Jesus until Christmas. AND her magi had to make a major journey down the dorm hall to get to the manger.

    <>< Katie

  2. Aww your friend is amazing...that's what I plan to do with my manger scenes when I have my own house haha...I love that they're traveling down the dorm hall that's awesome!
