

January 22, 2011

I believe both of my "thankful fors" are things which I have had a change of heart about.

Seventy-Six - Packing Before the Last Minute
Let me just throw it out there...I HATE PACKING! It overwhelms.  It forces my brain into organizational mode and normally it all just kind of floats up there.  I am a "what if" packer so I always bring too much or at least try to take too much.  And let's face I have never packed for this long of a time period (As my mom said, "You're moving in suitcases"...Oh and in case you're wondering - I'm taking everything in suitcases on the plane!)

The longest I have ever packed for is when I went to Wales for two months.  I waited until the last minute to pack.  I had a meltdown.  Which is silly because in the end it's all stuff.

So I wanted to avoid any potential meltdowns (actually I refuse to have one haha) I decided to start packing last night.  I didn't get much put into suitcases, but I did start pulling out things which were 100% going to Spain with me and then after I packed I would add other things if there was room.  Today I caught up on laundry and worked on transferring the items that were 100% going into the suitcases...and I have 1 suitcase packed!!  My goal is to only take 3 suitcases and I think I meet that goal :D

I'm thankful for the good advise of mi madre to start packing early. It's less stressful and gives me more time to spend with loved ones before I depart!

Seventy-Seven - The Book of Genesis
I would like to throw it out there that I love the Bible.  It is by far my favorite book.  But to be honest until recently (and by recently I mean like since the beginning of the month) I was not a fan of the book of Genesis.

I clearly remember sitting in my freshman Old Testament Survey Class with Dr. Qualls on the first day and we all had to go around and share our thoughts about the Old Testament.  She wanted to see where we all stood when it came to reading the Old Testament and what are opinions were on it.  Most people said they enjoyed the stories or the the Psalms.  Several agreed they liked the New Testament better (well maybe not better but they read the New Testament more).  When it became my turn I blurted out that I hated the book of Genesis.  I announced to my OT Survey Class at my Southern Baptist college that I avoided reading the book at all costs.  Needless to say this good some interesting looks and reactions.

What would cause me to claim hatred and loathing of the first book in the Bible.  My despising for Genesis can be traced back to the third grade (this was by far my least favorite grade ever but that's another story).  I went to a Christian school meaning Bible was a required subject.  How did my evil third grade teacher teach the Bible to having us round robin read (another soap box I won't get on b/c I could spend an hour describing the ineffectiveness of this read-aloud practice in schools) the book of Genesis.  In case you aren't familiar with round robin reading, it is basically where every student is required to read and you go around in a circle where each student reads either a sentence or a paragraph aloud to the class.  In our case we each read a verse.  Now I normally ended up lost because one of the ineffective features of round robin reading is the ability to figure which verse you have to read and you practice reading it in your head until it gets to you, so I would never pay attention to what the others read because I was so busy trying to practice my verse in my head.  I was not a particularly strong reader at this point in my school career and not to mention the book of Genesis is filled with super long names that I've heard trained pastors stumble over.  And to make matters worse the book of Genesis is not G or even PG for that matter...and let's just say we didn't skip some parts.  I hated third grade because of my evil teacher and the fact that kids are mean and this was often made apparent during Bible time as we read through Genesis.  So the book of Genesis has always been associated with the third grade...I hated the third grade, so the first book in the Bible got the same treatment.

Since my announcement of hating the book four years ago, I have read.  I have even read it voluntarily several times.  My hatred has waned and I even began to appreciate the book.  But I started reading it again this month as I am trying to read the Bible in chronological order my heart changed toward this book.  As I read no longer did feel the reminder of horrors of third grade.  I realized there is something beautiful within the pages of that chapter...the beauty of a Creator.  The beauty of a promise keeper.  The beauty of the One who is merciful.  The beauty in the God who always provides.  The beauty in the Beloved who orchestrates all for His glory and our good.  I saw a God who seeks to pour out His love and His blessing.  A God who desires to know His creation.  A God who seeks and provides a way for redemption.  A God who does not abando and did not choose to start all over.  A God who takes us as we are and refines us. A God who is a matchmaker.  A God filled with love for me that nothing compares to.

That's why I'm thankful for the book of Genesis and pray that God continues to reveal Himself to me in the mist of His words on its pages.


  1. I am a 'What If' packer too although I'm improving! I have managed to go on Camp or weekends away and just take, apart from clothing & necessaries, my Bible :)

    I never knew of your dislike for Genesis. But I am glad you have seen how awesome it is :) I love that the style of writing so clearly is narrative because God narrated it to Moses. I bet it was better than your third grade reading ;)

    Glad those days are over for you though :)

  2. Don't pack your toiletries in your carry-on.

    <>< Katie
