

January 10, 2011

Today, I'm thankful for a lot of simple things that I often overlook...

I'm thankful cafe con leche - especially when I forget my coffee on the kitchen counter.  It's quite sad to reach into your cup holder in your car and expect to find your coffee mug and there be nothing haha.  Thankfully, one of my co-workers at the church makes a pretty amazing cafe con leche which was far superb than my coffee and milk :)

I'm thankful for a little girl in her rockstar outfit and how she makes the silly faces and laughs so hard.  I'm thankful for her concern for me...she kept after me each time we went outside that I needed to zip my jacket.  She would pull on the zipper and say, "Zip! Zip!" I guess all the times I've made her zip her jacket left her thinking that mine needed to be zipped, too.

I'm thankful for the chance to spend some time with my grandparents...I love them :)

This afternoon (as well as yesterday afternoon) I found myself quite thankful for a nap.  Why I didn't appreciate naps as a child I'll never know because I sure do love them now and wish I could take them more often.

I'm also quite thankful for sweet little letter from my Compassion child (or fridge kid as Katie like to refer to them as - but since my sweet little girl doesn't reside on my fridge I guess she's my dresser kid :D).  I loved reading her words in Spanish (and understanding what she was saying).  I'm thankful for the chance to build a relationship with her even though she is in Ecuador and I know that one day I'll be able to go and meet her in person (Ecuador is where I went on my first mission trip to and forever holds a dear place in my heart and I pray that one day I will return there - I also pray that about Wales, Mexico, Costa Rica, and Guatemala haha).

I'm thankful for yummy dinners and time shared with my family :)

I'm thankful for skype! I love that I can chat with awesome friends even though they're far away (like across an ocean).

I'm thankful for funny, random 2-hour plus conversations (that definitely don't feel like 2 hours) conversation with one my favorite Welsh friends!  Always a blessing :)

I'm thankful for the encouraging words of Carrie Sippy!  She always knows what to say when I need to hear it and she makes me smile :)

I'm quite thankful for how God provides much needed news about our youth group and I'm thankful for His answer :) (I would have been thankful because He's in control either way but I'm thankful for the answer given :D)

I'm thankful for HIM!!


  1. I love reading my Fridge Kids' (Maria) letter in Spanish! She's in Columbia, and I would love to meet her someday but I don't know if that's a reality. :-(

    <>< Katie

  2. No way! I'm thankful for YOU! :) You are awesome, Caitlin!
