
Thankful For #9

November 15, 2010

I'm thankful for a precious little girl who reminds me to slow down and find wonder in the world around me.  

Who shows me that watching a claw truck (it reminded me of those games you play as a kind where you insert money and you position the claw to grab a stuffed animal - or as in Toy Story a squeaky alien.  You know those games that you rarely ever win - though my parents did win once.  I still have the stuffed bird in my closet...anyways...) pick up broken limbs can be entertaining.

Who reminds me that eating applesauce with your fingers is much more enjoyable than  a spoon.

Who thinks bird statues need water so she proceeds to get some by sticking her whole arm in the fountain (or as she refers to it as the "cup") and then taking to the birds (and drinking some off her hands on the way over).

Who makes me laugh because she thinks the whole playground belongs to her.

Who shows me that there is joy in the little things and life isn't meant to be taken too seriously.  

Today I'm thankful for her :)

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