
Thankful For #4

November 10, 2010

I'm thankful that God is alway - always - in control.  I'm thankful for the promise found in Romans 8:28.

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose."

2010 seems to have been the year of changes in my life.  And right now the changes seem innumerable.  The many things I once found security in seem to no longer be in place.  Along with 2010 being the year of changes my phrase for the year seems to be, "I don't know."  There is so much that I don't know nor do I understand.  I look around and see these changes and can't possibly see what good can come from these changes.  In the mist of these changes I've found myself questioning what I used to hold tightly to (just an fyi - I am in no way questioning my faith in Christ).

But in the mist of these changes I am reminded that God is always in control.  He is not confused by these changes.  Though I don't understand.  Though it pains me to some of these changes I know He that in all things He works for the good of those who love Him.  So despite my confusion I have to trust Him  - believing He is the God who doesn't break promises.  I realize that while these changes exist that Christ alone is my source of security.  An old hymn sings, "My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness."  He never fails.

I read Ruth yesterday and the devotion book I was reading pointed that Ruth and Naomi just happened to arrive back in Bethlehem at the barley harvest.  And Ruth just happened to pick to glean in Boaz's field.  And Boaz just happened to be the Kinsmen Redeemer.  It was just was God's amazing plan.  He took painful situation for Ruth and Naomi - they had lost husbands and sons.  They returned to land unfamiliar (I know Naomi was from there but she'd been gone for awhile.  And things are always different when you return home).  Ruth was truly a foreigner and new believer in God.  Naomi was bitter and angry with God.  But God used the horrible and the painful to make something beautiful.  He worked for the good of those who loved Him...they had been called by His purpose.  His purpose show His redemption.  His purpose to bring a Savior - a Redeemer - into the world.  To take the broken and the horrible and the painful and to make it into something beautiful.  

So today I am thankful that He is always, always in control :)

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