As I sit here with a day about to come to an end, I feel like I'm having trouble on coming up with something I'm thankful for. Which is crazy but as the song says...I've got so much so much so much so much so much (and the so much's could just go on and on haha) to be thankful for.
The fact that I woke up healthy is something to praise God for.
The fact I woke up in a warm bed with a roof over my head is something to praise God for.
The fact I could take a hot shower is something to praise God for.
The fact I could spend time in His Word is something to praise God for.
The fact that the Holy Spirit speaks to my heart is something to praise God for.
The fact that my staff meeting was short is something to praise God for.
The fact that the staff of my church pray for the members of the church and the community is something to praise God for.
The fact that I had food to eat for lunch is something to praise God for.
The fact that I have a car with gas in it is something to praise God for.
The fact that I could help decorate for Christmas and be reminded of why we celebrate Christmas is something to praise God for.
The fact that we had transportation for the kids to come to Explorers today is something to praise God for.
The fact that we had kids at Explorers and helpers who love them is something to praise God for.
The fact that we could talk about how we each have a story God wants us to share with the world for His glory is something to praise God for.
The fact that I have a testimony of His love and power in my life is something to praise God for.
The fact that the kids wanted to learn the Bible verse is something to praise God for.
The fact that we had way too much fun racing on the scooter-seat-things is something to praise God for.
The fact that I could watch some pretty sweet kids play soccer is something to praise God for.
The fact that I could play with Carlyn after the game is something to praise God for.
The fact that I was able to eat dinner with my parents is something to praise God for.
The fact that I could walk my dogs down the street is something to praise God for.
The fact that Jesus died for me is something to praise God for.
The fact that God rose from Jesus from the grave and provided me with a way to know Him and to be His friend is something to praise God for.
The fact that I'm covered by grace is something to praise God for.
The fact that I'm accepted and loved by the Creator is something to praise God for.
The fact that He calls me beautiful and that Him my worth is found is something to praise God for.
The fact that He uses the pain in my life to make something beautiful for His glory is something to praise God for.
The fact that He has plans for my life is something to praise God for.
The fact that He will never leave me is something to praise God for.
The fact that He has given me people who love me and pray for me daily and encourage me and hold me accountable is something to praise God for.
The fact that when I am weak He is strong is something to praise God for.
The fact that this life is not about me it's about Him is something to praise God for.
I don't why I had so much trouble trying find something to be thankful for because the fact is I really have a lot to be thankful for and give praise to God for :)
November 29, 2010
What am I thankful for today...or rather who am I thankful for today...
Courtney was placed in my life four years and let's just say I've never been the same. Words do not suffice to explain why I am so thankful for this girl (and if I was to try to explain why I'm thankful for it would require way too much explaining - but if you want to hear some stories of Courtney and I, I am definitely not opposed to sharing). I love this girl so much and I praise God that I am blessed to have her as my friend, my favorite travel partner, and my sister! And well I'm thankful to have experienced some of the strangest events of my life with you haha
So while words don't justice I was once told a picture is worth a thousand here are some pictures to explain why I'm so thankful for Courtney :)
Courtney was placed in my life four years and let's just say I've never been the same. Words do not suffice to explain why I am so thankful for this girl (and if I was to try to explain why I'm thankful for it would require way too much explaining - but if you want to hear some stories of Courtney and I, I am definitely not opposed to sharing). I love this girl so much and I praise God that I am blessed to have her as my friend, my favorite travel partner, and my sister! And well I'm thankful to have experienced some of the strangest events of my life with you haha
So while words don't justice I was once told a picture is worth a thousand here are some pictures to explain why I'm so thankful for Courtney :)
I didn't realize how it would be to choose pictures or how as I looked back at these pictures how the memories associated with them bring so many more reasons why I'm so thankful for this girl!!
I love you, Courtney!!
Oh and dirty yourself up so the rebels don't get you ;)
Oh and if you anyones any further explanation of these pictures feel free to ask...I'd love to share Caitlin and Courtney adventures :)
November 28, 2010
I was a fan of my 21 Thankful list yesterday, so I think today will be another list of what I'm thankful for today...but I don't think it'll be of 22 items...
Top 6 Thankful Fors for Day Twenty-Two
1. A fun afternoon with a fun friend. I spend the afternoon with Nicole, a friend of mine from high school. It was such a joy and an encouragement to go out to lunch with her get caught up on each others' lives and see the movie "Tangled" (which I highly recommend and believe it will be one I'll want to add to my DVD collection :) ). I am thoroughly thankful for her company and just a chance to talk to someone who's at similar place in life. I miss my friends who are far away so much, so today it was nice to experience friendship and laughter and edifying conversation. I'm thankful for Nicole and our time together today.
2. An encouraging message from one of my dearest friends. Let's just say he asked me a question yesterday and when I told him I'd message him my answer later, I'm not sure he realized what he was going to get haha...but today when I read his response it was the most encouraging and wise message. It amazes me how God uses him and others in my life to help see things in a different perspective, to help open my eyes to how He is at work even when I don't see it. I'm thankful for the sweet words for a sweet friend...I'm also thankful for that sweet friend :)
3. The chance to chat for a few minutes with one of my favorite people who lives on the other side of the ocean (well she's one of my favorites of all the people I know :D). She makes me smile when I get to chat with her. And though I know she'd hate me for saying it...I think she's pretty amazing and I'm so thankful to have her in my life even if she's over 4,000 miles away!
4. Running a mile and not feeling as if I'm going to die afterwards. I'm trying to start running again and when I went for my first run in a very very long time on Wednesday I thought I was going to die at the end...but today I didn't feel like death was soon to be upon me so maybe that's a sign I can run more tomorrow...maybe...
5. Mom and I took the dogs on a walk this evening and I was walking Buttons the Boston Terrier and she was pulling like crazy because she wanted to go faster than I wanted to go. So on the way home mom and I walked on the golf course we live on and mom said, "Let's see if Buttons can walk on her own." So I dropped the leash and let her walk. Now Buttons used to be notorious for running way and not returning (as mom says, "She just wanted to play, Caitlin. She was just trying to have fun.") We even had to put in one of those electric zapper fences so she wouldn't run away everything the door opened. But today when we let her walk on her own she stayed with us the whole time. If she started to veer we just said, "Come on, Buttons." And she'd sit and wait for us or come right back. Buttons is officially grown up. Thankful for her (and I'm even considering dog-napping her and taking her with me to Spain) and for the fact I didn't have to chase her around Placid Lakes.
6. I'm thankful that God is at work. I can't always see it. Sometimes I choose not to see it. But my God is at work. He is alive and as I enter into this time of Advent - a time of waiting for the expectant Savior - see how in the mist of waiting He is preparing me. I am thankful that He is the potter and I am merely the clay. I'm thankful he molds me and though the refining isn't's always worth it.
So even in the hardest times, the darkest of days. Even when the road seems full of unneeded or unwanted or confusing twists and turns. Even when pain seems to outweigh the joy, remember God does not abandon whom He loves. He is the God who is near. He is the One at hand. He is cares about us. Even the trivial things in our lives He cares about us. His love for us is deeper than we can comprehend. Richer than anything we can buy. His promises do not fail. He is at work and will bring His good to those whom are called according to His purpose. In this world there will be many trials and pain but have hope He has come to bring life and bring it to the fullest.
Live in His love today :)
November 27, 2010
21 Things I'm Thankful For Today
21. Clean Carpets (especially when you're dog-sitting at someone else's house)
20. Left-over turkey sandwiches
19. Wrapping Christmas presents
18. Watching my favorite Christmas movie - A Muppet Christmas Carol.
17. Knowing all the words to "Scrooge" from A Muppet Christmas Carol...Oh there goes Mr. Humbug, there goes Mr. Grim, if they gave a prize for being mean the winner would be him ;)
16. Dark Purple Nail Polish
15. Hot Showers
14. Coffee with Skim Milk in a G-Dubb Mug :D
13. Seeing my grandparents!
12. Hearing my favorite line from Elf, "Bye Buddy! Hope you find your dad!" I love Mr. Narwhal!
11. Tears...sometimes they're needed.
10. Christmas music :D
9. Bursting into laughter because I remembered something funny that happened over a year ago
8. Getting a new camera...I can't wait to learn how to use it :)
7. Tenth Avenue North - encouraging words through "Hold My Heart" as I drove and reflected
6. A quick but encouraging chat with Michael
5. God answers prayers - big and His way...
4. A family project that was almost's get an almost enjoyable simply having to dig dirt by the side of your house b/c the washer is draining up into the yard is kind of gross.
3. Skyping with the other half of my soul - NIKKI RICE!!!!!!! I love her so much!!!
2. The chance to open up and be honest.
1. The reminder of what God gave up for me. Gosh I definitely don't deserve it...but I guess that's why it's called grace...I love how Christmas is the reminder of Christ's willingness to give up everything for God to give up everything for pour out His love for me! To love me!
How many kings stepped down from their thrones?
How may lords have abandoned their homes?
How many greats have become the least for me?
How many gods have poured out their hearts
to romance a world that has torn all apart?
to romance a world that has torn all apart?
How many fathers gave up their sons for me?
Only One did that for me.
"How Many Kings" by Downhere
November 26, 2010
You'd think I would manage to post a thankful post on Thanksgiving...but then again wasn't the point of this to help me cultivate a spirit of thankfulness. So then shouldn't I be striving to be thankful all year long? Shouldn't thankfulness be more than something I dwell upon on the 4th Thursday on November?
With that in mind I must confess how discontent I have allowed myself to become with my life. I have become envious of what others have and so often I find myself daydreaming and thinking about how I wish my life was different than it currently is. I play the "What If" game quite a bit. I have fallen for the lie that the grass is greener on the other side. God has blessed me beyond words. And yet I constantly find myself longing for more than I have been given when in fact I've been given so much. Too much. Far more than I deserve.
I recently heard a quote from a book called Calm My Anxious Heart where the author spoke of missionary living in a small, primitive hunt in Africa and how this woman truly live the words of Paul in Philippians 4:11, "...for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances." The missionary shared her secret of content...
With that in mind I must confess how discontent I have allowed myself to become with my life. I have become envious of what others have and so often I find myself daydreaming and thinking about how I wish my life was different than it currently is. I play the "What If" game quite a bit. I have fallen for the lie that the grass is greener on the other side. God has blessed me beyond words. And yet I constantly find myself longing for more than I have been given when in fact I've been given so much. Too much. Far more than I deserve.
I recently heard a quote from a book called Calm My Anxious Heart where the author spoke of missionary living in a small, primitive hunt in Africa and how this woman truly live the words of Paul in Philippians 4:11, "...for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances." The missionary shared her secret of content...
- Never allow yourself to complain about anything, not even the weather.
- Never picture yourself in any other circumstance or some place else.
- Never compare your lot with another's.
- Never allow yourself to wish this or that had been otherwise.
- Never dwell on tomorrow - remember it is God and not ours.
These five secrets are the challenge I want to pursue in the coming days, weeks, months, and year. I want to live a life of contentment and I know that this is not something to be put off until tomorrow. It must start today.
To create and cultivate a spirit of contentment I want to continue to cultivate a spirit of thanksgiving. I want to begin each day and end each day thanking the Lord for both the challenges and blessings in my life. For challenges as I am beginning to learn are blessings often in disguise. As Joseph proclaimed to brothers after finally being reunited with the ones who sold him into slavery, "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done..." (Genesis 50:20).
So with all that being said I now embark on a new project (okay so it's more like a continuation of the one I've already started). I have decided I'm not going to stop the "Thankful For" posts...but rather continued them for the next year. 365 Days of Thanksgiving. 365 Days of seeing how God is at work. 365 Days of learning contentment with what I've been giving. 365 Days of realizing the blessings in my life. 365 Thankful Fors...
To start where I left off. (And I'll try and keep these short haha)
1. All the food tasted fabulous (Long story short - my grandparents were in a car accident last week. My grandma has a broken collar bone. She's always done the WHOLE Thanksgiving meal. But it was turned over to my mom, my aunt, and I. And my mom said since I left her last weekend I was in charge haha...but everything was super tasty - especially the new sweet potato casserole recipe - my cousins who don't eat sweet potatoes had seconds :D)
2. Time with family - yes it can be stressful but in the end they always love you!
The fact that we do Black Friday in Sebring. When I was in high school I always wished we went somewhere more glamorous for the after-Thanksgiving shopping extravaganza, but now there is nowhere I'd rather be. It's not stressful. No one is fighting over items to buy. There aren't really any lines. Most things are sold out. And we get to spend time together. We always have a good laugh. I love that simple is less stressful. So I'm thankful for time with my mom and aunt in a place which wasn't crazy and insane. It seemed slightly more in touch with what Christmas is truly about.
"Rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near."
Philippians 4:4-5
November 24, 2010
Well, I went about my day I came to the startling realization that I am long overdue in writing a particular "Thankful For" post. While I caught up on the days I missed yesterday there is something, or rather someone, that should have received a "Thankful For" post a while ago.
And just when I was all set with what my "Thankful For #18" post would be an unexpected blessing occurred...but no one said you couldn't be thankful for more than one thing.
So first I'm thankful for the unexpected blessing of my dad finally getting to come home. As many of you know my dad has been fighting an infection in his knee for almost two months now. Until today we thought he had at least another week in the healthcare center receiving his medicine through iv. But today we got word that he would finally be able to come home for good! So today I am very thankful that my dad is home and that he doing so much better!
Now for the one that's long overdue...I'm thankful for my Mom :D
I'm pretty convinced that I have the world's greatest moms. You often hear that God gives us our families for a reason and I'm quite thankful He gave her to me.
She may not have had a made from scratched dinner on the table for us each night, but she's always provided for us. We never lacked her support. She never once told me when I asked about going on my latest adventure. She always said yes. She always encouraged me to go. She's never pushed her dreams on us but given us the strength to find out for ourselves the calling that God has for us. And she's encouraged us to follow wherever He leads. She taught us to fly and has allowed us to soar.
I'm thankful that my mom is much more easy-going than I am. I hope one I can be "the pebble in the stream" like she is (she told me that I needed to be more like her like a pebble in the stream that the water just rolls over). She always listens to me, even when the conversation consists of me complaining about something or other. But I'm thankful that she doesn't always take my side. That she forces me to see over perspectives and realize that even when times seem full over gray skies and rain that there is a rainbow.
I'm thankful that my mom goes above beyond what she has to. She really does go the extra mile as Jesus commands.
I'm thankful she is still a kid at heart. That she never takes life too seriously and shows me each day the power of finding joy in the simple things and that there always room for laughter.
I'm thankful that she truly lives out the quote by St. Francis, "Preach the Gospel always. And if necessary, use words."
I love my Mom. And I know I don't always show it, but I'm so thankful for her!
November 23, 2010
I thought that while I was out of town that I would keep my "Thankful For" posts going...but I'm nothing if good intentions haha...anyways I guess I can lump several thankful fors together...
I am thankful for the chance to visit my aunt for the weekend. I'm thankful that my flight was smooth and there were no delays.
I'm thankful I was able to see family who I didn't expect to have the chance to see. I'm thankful that I was able to see my 90 year old great-grandma and that she's doing very well! I'm thankful for the chance to visit with her. I'm thankful that I got to see Granddaddy and Melissa and we were able to enjoy a Lotta Burger and Cheerwine (even though I couldn't figure out how to pack Cheerwine in my suitcase and not have it explode - in case you are unfamiliar Cheerwine is a regional soda in NC, which I think they should sell in FL). I'm thankful for the chance to see my Aunt Pat and Uncle Tom, even if Tanya, Blake and I are no longer invited when Carolina and NC State are playing (it's not our fault our presence there brought State good luck).
I'm thankful for the chance to enjoy the fall weather while taking a walk with Putter. I'm thankful that there were still some pretty fall leaves (I forgot I had my camera after Saturday and got no pictures :( ). I'm thankful that I could play gin with Mimi (and beat her - but mostly just play with her). I'm thankful that they caught the mouse in TJ Maxx.
I'm thankful for a surprise Christmas present (and no it's not for me). I'm also thankful that Putter's - my aunt's Yorkie - test for anit-freeze poisoning came back negative and that he's fine now.
I'm thankful for the chance to have a needed conversation with my grandma and the reminder of God's forgiveness and that He is alone is our hope and strength. I'm thankful for the chance to do something in honor of my dad. The plane to Fort Myers was at full capacity and they asked if anyone with an aisle seat would be willing to switch so a disabled veteran could have it. I decided I could switch b/c I knew that's something I would want someone to do for my dad (he's a disable veteran too and always needs the aisle seat if not the exit row or bulk head). Sometimes I wonder if I always acted in the way that I would want others to treat me or my family what life would be like...maybe that's my challenge for the week...treating others the way I want to be treated or my family to be treated - and this mean treating my family the way I would want to be treated.
I'm also thankful that I arrived safely at home. And I'm thankful that my grandparents are doing better but please continue to keep them in your prayers and prayer for my dad, too.
Give thanks to the One who causes good for His glory and for His children. He fills our lives with joy found both in the simple and the extraordinary.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving
and his courts with praise;
give thanks to him and praise his name.
Psalm 100:4
November 19, 2010
I've got so much so much so much so much so much to be thankful for !!!
(I think I left out some of the so muchs...but you get the point :)
Top 5 Thankful Fors for Today:
Sweet Hugs from Even Sweeter Kids
Dinner at Schoonis with My Mom (and a Big Jumbo Glass of Sweet Tea)
One Hundred Forty Plus Operation Christmas Child Boxes
That God had His Hand Over My Grandparents Tonight...they were in a car accident and though they were injured, they are on their way home as I type. Please pray that the Lord heals them quickly!
My God loves me with a love undeserved, a love relentless, a love that overwhelms, a love the fulfills. And He ALWAYS Keeps His Promises!
So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.
Hebrews 4:16
November 18, 2010
I'm thankful for God and how He shows up in ways unimaginable - but I mean He is already there so I don't know why I get so blown away when He shows up. I'm thankful for times to reflect on far the Lord has brought me. I'm thankful that God loves us just as we are but loves us too much to leave us there. I'm thankful the Lord holds my hand. I'm thankful He never lets go.
Spain Presentation Video :)
November 16, 2010
I almost forgot today...but today I did think about things I was thankful for...
As I sit preparing to go to sleep soon I have a thought on my mind. It's a thought, or more accurately a longing, a desire, that's been on my heart for quite some time. But for whatever reason the desire has been more pressing at my lately. It's not something I want to be a burden but in some ways I guess it has become just that. It's not that is desire or longing is a bad thing, but it sometimes overwhelms me to the point that it becomes my focus and not God. As I sat in bed earlier praying about why this desire can't happen right now, I was kind of whiney. In so many ways I was acting like a spoiled brat. Like God has given more than I ever deserve. I mean He gave His ONLY Son to die for me and because of His death and resurrection I can have life - both abundantly here on earth and eternally with my Savior in heaven. And here I acting like an overindulged child (I don't know about you but I always picture overindulged children as these pudgy little things often with ringlets - so have the fitting ringlets to go with this image haha) whiney and pleading for things to be my way. In a since lamenting over all I have been given because I can't have this one desire me I want it.
But then the first chorus of my favorite song came to mind...
I don't know what my future holds
Or what lies beyond the horizon.
The years ahead are just out of sight
Well, I think sometimes that You hide them
So that I'll walk by faith not sight
So I'll take Your hand holding tight*
I don't know what the future holds or what lies ahead even tomorrow. I don't know if this desire will come to be or if my Redeemer has something else in store for His glory. This may very well something God will bring to be in His perfect timing. But I'm realizing there are things He wants me to learn and experience prior to this desire coming to be. But then again this desire may never be more than a desire. He may be planning something else for His good and mine.
So today I am thankful that I don't know what my future holds. I am thankful that the Lord does hide them because that is how we learn to trust. Remember back to when we were kids. In times of uncertainty we always clung tighter to the hands of our protectors. God is our Protector. He is our Father. Our Abba. Our Daddy. And wants to cling tightly to His hands as well live this life together. He wants to not only protect us but guide us and teach us and experience this life with us. He just wants to be with us. If I knew what my future held, would my heart ache to know Him more? Would I want to be held tighter in His arms? Or would I run head into my future forgetting He was right there beside me? Unfortunately, I think I knew my future I would probably choose the latter. So that is why I am thankful that the future is not mine - it is God alones.
So cling tighter to hand. Wrap your arms around His neck. Dance with Him. Fall in love with who He is. Seek His face and not only His hand. Be thankful that He does hide the future from brings us closer to Him.
Grace and Peace :)
*My dear friend Michael - who I wrote about on "Thankful For #2" - shared the lyrics to this song with me several months ago and this song quickly became the most played song on my itunes. Again just another reason I'm thankful for Michael
As I sit preparing to go to sleep soon I have a thought on my mind. It's a thought, or more accurately a longing, a desire, that's been on my heart for quite some time. But for whatever reason the desire has been more pressing at my lately. It's not something I want to be a burden but in some ways I guess it has become just that. It's not that is desire or longing is a bad thing, but it sometimes overwhelms me to the point that it becomes my focus and not God. As I sat in bed earlier praying about why this desire can't happen right now, I was kind of whiney. In so many ways I was acting like a spoiled brat. Like God has given more than I ever deserve. I mean He gave His ONLY Son to die for me and because of His death and resurrection I can have life - both abundantly here on earth and eternally with my Savior in heaven. And here I acting like an overindulged child (I don't know about you but I always picture overindulged children as these pudgy little things often with ringlets - so have the fitting ringlets to go with this image haha) whiney and pleading for things to be my way. In a since lamenting over all I have been given because I can't have this one desire me I want it.
But then the first chorus of my favorite song came to mind...
I don't know what my future holds
Or what lies beyond the horizon.
The years ahead are just out of sight
Well, I think sometimes that You hide them
So that I'll walk by faith not sight
So I'll take Your hand holding tight*
I don't know what the future holds or what lies ahead even tomorrow. I don't know if this desire will come to be or if my Redeemer has something else in store for His glory. This may very well something God will bring to be in His perfect timing. But I'm realizing there are things He wants me to learn and experience prior to this desire coming to be. But then again this desire may never be more than a desire. He may be planning something else for His good and mine.
So today I am thankful that I don't know what my future holds. I am thankful that the Lord does hide them because that is how we learn to trust. Remember back to when we were kids. In times of uncertainty we always clung tighter to the hands of our protectors. God is our Protector. He is our Father. Our Abba. Our Daddy. And wants to cling tightly to His hands as well live this life together. He wants to not only protect us but guide us and teach us and experience this life with us. He just wants to be with us. If I knew what my future held, would my heart ache to know Him more? Would I want to be held tighter in His arms? Or would I run head into my future forgetting He was right there beside me? Unfortunately, I think I knew my future I would probably choose the latter. So that is why I am thankful that the future is not mine - it is God alones.
So cling tighter to hand. Wrap your arms around His neck. Dance with Him. Fall in love with who He is. Seek His face and not only His hand. Be thankful that He does hide the future from brings us closer to Him.
Grace and Peace :)
*My dear friend Michael - who I wrote about on "Thankful For #2" - shared the lyrics to this song with me several months ago and this song quickly became the most played song on my itunes. Again just another reason I'm thankful for Michael
November 15, 2010
I'm thankful for a precious little girl who reminds me to slow down and find wonder in the world around me.
Who shows me that watching a claw truck (it reminded me of those games you play as a kind where you insert money and you position the claw to grab a stuffed animal - or as in Toy Story a squeaky alien. You know those games that you rarely ever win - though my parents did win once. I still have the stuffed bird in my closet...anyways...) pick up broken limbs can be entertaining.
Who reminds me that eating applesauce with your fingers is much more enjoyable than a spoon.
Who thinks bird statues need water so she proceeds to get some by sticking her whole arm in the fountain (or as she refers to it as the "cup") and then taking to the birds (and drinking some off her hands on the way over).
Who makes me laugh because she thinks the whole playground belongs to her.
Who shows me that there is joy in the little things and life isn't meant to be taken too seriously.
Today I'm thankful for her :)
November 14, 2010
I'm thankful for the chance to share my calling to go to Spain. I'm thankful for the hospitality shown and the encouraging spoken by the people at Faith Presbyterian Church.
This is what I prepared to share...
(Don't worry I didn't read it. It helps me to gather my thoughts if I write out what I want to say)
“When my spirit grows faint within me, it is you who know my way.” Psalm 142:3a
Growing up in church missions always seemed like far off feat. Even as a young child something about missions intrigued me. I can remember sitting in my 6th grade Bible class and hearing stories of those who left all the comforts of home behind to share the hope and love of Christ. Often these left me amazed. I questioned whether I could ever summon up that kind of courage and follow the Lord wherever He would lead me. But in my mind missionaries were super-Christians with perfect backgrounds, and I knew I was not a super-Christian and my background was nowhere near perfect. When my classmates dismissed missions as something lame and a career they would never want to pursue, I put on a front that I agreed with them though in my heart I knew I didn’t – I just didn’t think I was good enough or God could use me.
But as it says 2 Timothy 2:13, “If we are faithless, He will remain faithful for He cannot disown Himself.” Even though I had cast off the idea of being a missionary, God was still at work. As I reflect back on the past few years I can see God’s hand in bringing me to this place where I am preparing to go and serve Him in Spain.
His hand first grabbed a hold of mine and began to captivate my heart. I saw how He loved me with a love I didn’t deserve nor could I earn. I began to experience the truth He spoke through Isaiah 43:1, “’Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.” As the Lord showed me His overwhelming and relentless love, my heart stirred to serve Him with my life. I didn’t know how or where but I knew I wanted to live a life of love – loving Him and loving others.
But I often felt plagued by past mistakes or the hardships I had felt identified me. I didn’t see how God could use someone like me. I didn’t believe I had anything to contribute. Even though I knew God loved me I didn’t see myself as someone with something to offer. I only saw the brokenness that comes from sin and the pain inflicted by hard times in my family. But God never calls the qualified. He simply qualifies those whom He calls. He showed me that while I felt weak, He would show Himself strong. He showed me that His grace was truly enough.
As I high schooler I traveled to Europe for the first time. While the sights were amazing, something there was deeper that would stay with me long afterwards. There was such a hopeless. It didn’t seem to matter what country I was in or what I was doing, when I would pass someone on the street or have a conversation I couldn’t get past the idea that they were longing for something to put their hope in. As I visited churches once known for passion and revival that appeared now to be nothing more than museums, I realized I had the hope that they were looking for. Christ. What I had seen and experienced in Europe stayed with me, though my path would not lead me back there for several years.
In 2007 as a college freshman I had my first opportunity to go on a foreign mission trip. I went thinking I was going to serve others and came back with the feeling that 3 little girls had served me and shown me more about God’s love than I ever could shown them. During that trip I felt the Lord opening my eyes to a calling He was placing on my life. The call to be a missionary.
I returned to college after that trip and did what I thought was the logical thing. I declared myself a missions major. Several classes later I realized that God has something different planned. First, I had to realize that missions doesn’t necessarily mean moving to a different country. The mission field is right outside of our door. Even at Christian college I was living in the mist of a mission field. I had to surrender to God my desires to only go where I wanted, and to accept His hand as He led me to wherever it was He desired. Second, I had to realize that the mission field is need of people with a wide variety of gifts and passions. Though it confused me at first, my passion was not found within my mission-oriented classes. So after a weekend of much prayer, crying, and soul-searching, I declared as a Teaching of English as a 2nd Language Major. I began to find enjoyment and fulfillment in my classes something I hadn’t known before.
In the summer of 2009 I traveled back to Europe – this time to Wales, where I served as an intern with World Witness. While in Wales I fell in love with the people. I saw repeatedly how the hope of Christ doesn’t disappoint us as I witnessed Him change lives with His love. Being in Wales seemed to only increase the burden the Lord has placed on my heart many years before. That people need hope and love – His hope and His love.
Upon returning back to the U.S. I began praying for God to open up a door for me to serve Him after I graduated college. Last October I had the opportunity to meet with World Witness. I shared with them the desire I had to serve in Europe. As we chatted some more, they felt that serving in Spain at Evangelical Christian Academy might be a good fit for me based on my desire, my degree, and some Spanish experience I had. Though I wasn’t quite sure that this would be a place God could use, I agreed to pray for the Lord’s leading on a vision trip. I felt the Lord moving to go forth on a vision trip. Within less than 3 weeks the support I needed to go to Spain. While in Spain my heart was moved for the students at ECA. Within the ESL department many coming from non-Christian homes I saw the chance to not only teach them English but show them the light of Christ . As I attended a street ministry in Madrid and a church plant in the little town of Camarma de Esteruelas I saw the Lord at work moving in the hearts of His people. Though the trip was short, I saw how the Lord could use me. I saw how He could use not only my talents and gifts but also my past for His glory. I saw in Spain how He would take the broken and turn it into something beautiful for His kingdom.
On my last night there my devotion happened to be on Isaiah 6:8, “‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I. Send me?’” That night I answered the call to Spain. I said, “Here am I. Send me to Spain.”
Though the path to Spain hasn’t been a easy road to walk, I have seen God’s hand in all of it. I can see how He has never once left me, but has held my hand through it all. He has gone before me to prepare the way for His glory to be made known. Despite times when I questioned going to Spain, He has reminded me that His ways are not my ways. I know He is the God who can do more than we can ask for or even imagine and He has shown that repeatedly through this journey. Even though there have been challenges such pushing back my departure date or applying for my visa, He has shown His promise true – “That He will never lead me nor forsake me” (Joshua 1:5). And “When my spirit grows faint within me, it is You who know my way.” Psalm 142:3a
I go to Spain to be His instrument. I desire to be His instrument of hope and love to my future students at ECA and to others whom He places in my path while in Spain. An instrument is only as good as the musician playing it. It can do nothing – make no beautiful music on its own. But when you are the Lord’s instrument He creates a beautiful melody to share with others of His hope and love.
November 13, 2010
A day spend in my pajamas...maybe I would have more productive if I had bothered to get dressed but sometimes days are best when spend in pajamas!
Be comfortable today in the arms of the Comforter :)
Unfortunately this wasn't taken today but I'm in pjs and I love this girl (But I have a feeling she'll get her own thankful post ;) |
November 12, 2010
Today I am thankful for Katie Ax...
1. She's simply amazing - enough said!! She loves Jesus and she loves people!
2. She writes pretty awesome blog posts (almost daily)
3. She almost always comments on my blogs which makes me super happy!!
4. She's from Wisconsin which makes her cool!! (We have the same Badger shirt :)
5. We were roomies in Guatemala :)
6. She is one of the most thoughtful people you'll ever meet!
November 11, 2010
I am thankful no one was hurt.
I am thankful for 26 children who for most part remained fairly calm and for the most part followed directions.
I am thankful that God sent the right people at just the right time.
I am thankful for a 10 year old who showed leadership and maturity beyond her years.
I am thankful I remembered my binder today.
I am thankful that the peace that prayers bring.
I am thankful for much needed hugs and encouraging words.
I am thankful that God definitely had the wheel.
I am thankful for our bus driver.
I am thankful for a God who is definitely in control and protects His children.
God is faithful. He is in control. He is the protector.
If you would like details of what happened you can message me on facebook or e-mail me.
I am thankful for 26 children who for most part remained fairly calm and for the most part followed directions.
I am thankful that God sent the right people at just the right time.
I am thankful for a 10 year old who showed leadership and maturity beyond her years.
I am thankful I remembered my binder today.
I am thankful that the peace that prayers bring.
I am thankful for much needed hugs and encouraging words.
I am thankful that God definitely had the wheel.
I am thankful for our bus driver.
I am thankful for a God who is definitely in control and protects His children.
God is faithful. He is in control. He is the protector.
If you would like details of what happened you can message me on facebook or e-mail me.
November 10, 2010
I'm thankful that God is alway - always - in control. I'm thankful for the promise found in Romans 8:28.
2010 seems to have been the year of changes in my life. And right now the changes seem innumerable. The many things I once found security in seem to no longer be in place. Along with 2010 being the year of changes my phrase for the year seems to be, "I don't know." There is so much that I don't know nor do I understand. I look around and see these changes and can't possibly see what good can come from these changes. In the mist of these changes I've found myself questioning what I used to hold tightly to (just an fyi - I am in no way questioning my faith in Christ).
But in the mist of these changes I am reminded that God is always in control. He is not confused by these changes. Though I don't understand. Though it pains me to some of these changes I know He that in all things He works for the good of those who love Him. So despite my confusion I have to trust Him - believing He is the God who doesn't break promises. I realize that while these changes exist that Christ alone is my source of security. An old hymn sings, "My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness." He never fails.
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose."
2010 seems to have been the year of changes in my life. And right now the changes seem innumerable. The many things I once found security in seem to no longer be in place. Along with 2010 being the year of changes my phrase for the year seems to be, "I don't know." There is so much that I don't know nor do I understand. I look around and see these changes and can't possibly see what good can come from these changes. In the mist of these changes I've found myself questioning what I used to hold tightly to (just an fyi - I am in no way questioning my faith in Christ).
But in the mist of these changes I am reminded that God is always in control. He is not confused by these changes. Though I don't understand. Though it pains me to some of these changes I know He that in all things He works for the good of those who love Him. So despite my confusion I have to trust Him - believing He is the God who doesn't break promises. I realize that while these changes exist that Christ alone is my source of security. An old hymn sings, "My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness." He never fails.
I read Ruth yesterday and the devotion book I was reading pointed that Ruth and Naomi just happened to arrive back in Bethlehem at the barley harvest. And Ruth just happened to pick to glean in Boaz's field. And Boaz just happened to be the Kinsmen Redeemer. It was just was God's amazing plan. He took painful situation for Ruth and Naomi - they had lost husbands and sons. They returned to land unfamiliar (I know Naomi was from there but she'd been gone for awhile. And things are always different when you return home). Ruth was truly a foreigner and new believer in God. Naomi was bitter and angry with God. But God used the horrible and the painful to make something beautiful. He worked for the good of those who loved Him...they had been called by His purpose. His purpose show His redemption. His purpose to bring a Savior - a Redeemer - into the world. To take the broken and the horrible and the painful and to make it into something beautiful.
So today I am thankful that He is always, always in control :)
November 9, 2010
Today I am thankful beyond words for 15 amazing girls who excitedly pack shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. The girls had a blast "shopping" for items and filling their boxes. One little girl told me that she was so excited about packing shoeboxes and she had been thinking about it all week! Another came up to me at the end and said, "Thank you so much for letting us pack shoeboxes!" It was such a blessing to see the excitement and generosity of these precious princesses!
I'll let the pictures give further explanation as to why I'm thankful for these girls :D
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