
Well, Maybe This Fight Will Last Longer Than Expected

March 15, 2011

Well, obviously blogger and I are in some sort of a fight.  I truly believe we'll eventually work this whole thing and resolve it...but for now we'll continue with combined posts...And actually I opt to cast blame for this fight on someone else...the internet at my host family's apartment (or well the internet I'm borrowing that is about as temperamental as the bus schedule from Alcala to Camarma).

118. The ending of science fair...okay I know I wrote about this last time with the promise of a science fair saga post to will come...eventually...

119. People who let me vent and offer me encouraging words, prayers, and the reminder that God's ways are not my ways.

120. Discovering Alcala...and when you venture downtown during never know what you're going to find :) (Oh and note to self - don't leave home without a camera - you have two; use them!)

121. Reading books in Plaza de Cervantes...warm weather!

122.  Skype dates with someone I think is pretty awesome :D

123. Dinner with new friends :)  Introductions to new shows - Lark Rise to Candleford (but sad days they have cancelled it!)

124. Casual Days...jeans, hoodies, and Toms everyday would definitely get my vote :)

125. Sleep...something I'm always thankful for when I'm sick...always!

126.  More sleep...

127. Completing the first season of Lark Rise to Candleford :)

128. Church! Tapas in Alcala and A-mazing ice cream  with even more awesome people!

129. Being back at thankful :)  Oh and buying a pillow! Some things you must know...

1. I should have packed my favorite pillow (mom - bring it when you come over!)
2. I only have one  very flat pillow on the bed I'm sleeping in.
3. I am determined that before I move out of Alcala I will understand most of the red buses (the city buses - green ones go city to city).

So I came home from school yesterday on a green bus determined that I was going to ride to the large Carrefour (the Walmartish store here in Alcala) on the red #10 bus.  I thought there was a stop close by my apartment and I thought there was a stop right by the large Carrefour (according to Google Maps there was and you know they're not supposed to lie).  So I exited the green bus at my usual stop, but since I had checked Google Maps and it doesn't lie  I thought I would have to walk a little further since Google maps said the bus stop I thought was for #10 really wasn't.

So walked and waited at a red pole (some stops have seats and coverings and others have poles). And I waited.  And I waited some more.  And then finally after watching a #10 bus pass on the other side and waiting bit a longer, I decided to read the red pole.  Sabados y Domingos. Saturdays and Sundays. It doesn't stop there during week.

 So I crossed the street.  And waited at the real bus stop.  Finally, the #10 red bus arrived.

So I boarded and took a seat.  And I rode.  We stopped at the stop that Google Maps said wasn't for bus #10 that's closer to my apartment (remember how I said they don't lie).  I rode some more.  It stopped, but never where it supposed to according to Google Maps you know they don't lie.  All of a sudden things started to seem familiar.  It started to appear that we were heading down town.  We passed the little Carrefour and the green bus station (they're across the street and I could I have just rode the green bus here).  Then we stopped.  A woman passed me and said, "Ultima Parada." Last Stop.

So I got off.  And walked to the little Carrefour.  Where I bought my groceries.  But no pillows.  Well, wait there were pillows...all decorative pillows - big square ones, fuzzy ones, furry ones, small Disney Character ones, and a wide assortment of ones you expect to find in a teenager girl's bedroom.  But no normal sleeping pillow (and memory foam ones yeah right - mom bring my pillow!).  So I paid for my food and left.

Now I'm a bit determined and once I set my mind to something, I tend to want to make it happen.  I was a determined that I was not going to go another night with only one pillow.  So I thought to myself, "Self, what is the one store (or the one type of store) in Spain that literally has everything?  Necessary or not....The Chino."  Now chinos (that's not a racist term that's what they're called) are pretty much located on every block.  Think dollar store on crack.  I mean literally everything you ever need...cheaply. And everything that you will never in your life need.  Quality not great.  But cheap.  Yes!  So headed to my 2nd favorite chino in Alcala...and sure enough they had pillows...and actually they're pretty comfortable...

So moral of this story...Google maps lie...learn the Spanish word for pillow (la almohada...and pillow case...funta de almohada)

130.  Feeling I was actually productive today...I like that feeling :)


  1. Haha so you did like 'Lark Rise to Candleford'! Not surprised it was cancelled though :P

    I hope google maps just thought wrong as I put a lot of reliance on them in work, especially since the one I trusted before kept letting me down badly. If Google betrays me I may never trust one again!!

  2. Listen, I am just sorry that you do not appreciate quality television...tisk tisk...

    Well, I truly believed that Google Maps could be trusted...though I am now having my doubts...I'm giving them strikes...three strikes and they strike one haha
