Well, that final post about Spain never came...maybe one of these day I'll get good at this whole blogging thing
haha...then again maybe not...
But once again I find myself sitting on my couch in the somewhat more desolate than usual town of Boiling Springs about to embark on my final semester as an undergraduate student (however, I have this strange feeling that this final semester will feel nothing like an undergraduate semester ;) As I sit here I know there is so much to reflect on and how I could easily write this blog post for hours based on my experiences from just the last two weeks. It's hard to believe how that in the time since leaving the Webb I have taken 7 plane rides, spend time in 3 different time zones, been in 3 different climates (well, 2 were pretty cold haha), been in 2 countries/continents, spend time with those whom I known my whole life and those whom I have met within the last 3 weeks ago. I don't say this to brag; I say this to show how awesome a God I serve because He alone is the One who brought and orchestrated this Christmas break.
Heading to both Spain and Urbana (it's a missions conference not a country in Africa like my dad thought) has provided me with a lot to digest. In a period of two weeks I have experienced God turning my vision for my future completely upside down, inside out, and whatever other direction it could possibly go. Maybe I'm just seeing it clearer or maybe I'm seeing it differently for the first time. And while there is a lot to digest there is even more to sing praise about. I have feel like I peace for the first time in a long time.
Going to Urbana the leader of our group asked each of us to explain in one word what was something we hoped to gain from Urbana and I said peace. I have longed for peace so much since coming back from Wales. I have longed to know what it means to be content once again. Well, I learned contentedness comes from choice. The choice to be obedient. Over and over at Urbana I was reminded how as Christ was obedient to death on a cross, I am obedient to share His love wherever He has placed and go and do what He asks. I know this is going to be challenging but I know it's worth it because He is more than worth it.
So what's next...PRAYER!! And lots of it. I have much to consider and much to bring before Him. I heard His voice so much this week, but I refuse to allow it to stop here. I must continue to seek His face and listening to His voice.
I know there much more to say...but for now I leave you with Hakuna Mungu Kama Wewe - for there is no one like our GOD :)
Grace and Peace!